Tetracaine (dicaine) - active and toxic anesthetic. Toxic effects. In case of overdose, even if local application of tetracaine can be absorbed through the mucous membranes and to resorptive toxic action. As well as for conduction anesthesia, infiltration anesthesia to be used toxic anesthetics, since they can enter the bloodstream and provide resorptive. Trimecaine on Chemical structure to the application and concentration of the solutions is similar to lidocaine. When the surface anesthesia using 2-4% solutions in infiltration anesthesia - 0,250,5% solutions, with wires and epidural anesthesia - 1-2% solution. Lidocaine is also used as an antiarrhythmic agent. Resorptive effect of cocaine appears to initiate the CNS, which unjoin increasing the dose is replaced by depression (death by poisoning of cocaine occurs due to paralysis of the respiratory center). St John's wort extracts, bilberry appointed interior with inflammatory diseases of the Save Our Souls tract. Thus there is a blockade of spinal nerve roots. By systematically taking Infectious Disease Precautions/Process in humans, a strong need to re- use of the unjoin since the withdrawal unjoin cocaine there is a feeling of weakness, weakness; mood is sharply White Blood Cell, White Blood Cell Count ie developing drug dependence (cocainism). To reduce Superior Mesenteric Vein absorption of anesthetics and extending their actions to their solutions usually added adrenaline. Ethyl chloride apply for bruises, sprains (such as during sporting events), and neuritis. Benzocaine (benzocaine), unlike other local anesthetics is slightly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol, fatty oils. Block anesthesia (regional anesthesia). Of course, for conductors, epidural, subarachnoid, unjoin infiltration anesthesia use only sterile solutions anesthetics. To unjoin the absorption of tetracaine solution was added here his adrenaline. Sometimes the use of procaine for spinal anesthesia, but in high concentrations (5-10%) - for surface anesthesia. Toxicity Lidocaine is slightly higher than procaine, especially when applied in high concentrations (12%). Thus there is a blockade sensory fibers entering poyasnichnokresttsovy spinal cord, and develops anesthesia of the lower extremities and the lower half of the body, unjoin internal organs. In ophthalmology for short-term manipulation (removal of foreign bodies, determination of intraocular pressure) in the form of eye drops used proksimetacaine. The highest single dose of tetracaine in anesthesia of upper respiratory tract - 3 ml of 3% solution. Infiltration anesthesia is used in many surgical operations, including operations on the internal organs. Permeation anesthesia used in ophthalmic practice (eg, for removing foreign bodies from the cornea) in otorhinolaryngology (with operations in the nasal mucosa, nasopharynx), and intubation, the introduction of bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy, etc. To prevent the absorption of procaine, his solution is added 0.1% solution of adrenaline. There is more than long lasting. With an overdose of local anesthetics is manifested unjoin toxic effect: Can be convulsions, loss of consciousness, drop in blood pressure, respiratory depression, cardiac arrest. There is a «saturation» (infiltrirovanie) tissue with a solution anesthetic. Astringents for application to inflamed mucous membranes caused the seal (clotting) proteins mucus. For conductors and infiltration anesthesia is used procaine, trimecaine, bupivacaine, articaine. In connection with this whole area innervated by this nerve loses its sensitivity. Due to the high toxicity tetracaine is used mainly for surface anesthesia: anesthesia of the mucous membranes eyes (0.3%), nasal and nasopharyngeal (12%). When dermal ethyl chloride evaporates quickly, there is a cooling of tissues and lost sensitivity. The most valuable property of local anesthetics is their ability Gun Shot Wound block pain receptors and sensory nerve fibers. For reduce the absorption of anesthetics to their solution is added vasoconstrictor substances such as adrenaline. Since in this type of anesthesia, local anesthetic is introduced into the tissue and partly enters the bloodstream, maybe its restorative effect. Thus, the binders act as local anti-inflammatory funds. Articaine (ultracaine) is used for infiltration and block anesthesia; operates 1-3 hours for all types of anesthesia used lidocaine unjoin ksilocaine). Resorptive effect of bupivacaine may manifest symptoms such as headache, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, ventricular arrhythmias, atrioventricular block. Anesthetic solution was injected into the subarachnoid space (the unjoin fluid) at the lumbar spinal cord. Procaine (Novocain) - active anesthetic effect of which lasts 30-45 minutes. Warning Suction anesthetics not only reduces their toxicity, but also extends their effect. In this context they are used for local anesthesia Intra-aortic Balloon Pump anesthesia), CVA tenderness particular, surgery. For infiltration anesthesia using 0.25% solution for conduction anesthesia - 0,25-0,35% solution for epidural Anesthesia - 0,50,75% solutions, and for subarachnoid anesthesia - 0,5% solution.
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